Results for "assessment"




  • Learning outcomes- planning modules and learning......assessment

    This file is the powerpoints accompanying the workshops delivered for colleagues in Saudi Arabia  for the British council and NCAAA- we hope you find the ideas and practices in here useful in curriculum planning, particularly when planning using learning outcomes , and in practices of qualit...

    Tags (comma separated): learning outcomes, learning and teaching, assessment

    Oct 7, 2012 at 7:39am

  • Tips for giving constructive criticism on academic writing | Academicalism

    A straightforward and brief bit of common sense for those having to give feedback on someone else's writing. The key emphasis is on always looking for the good stuff, and always offering constructive ways to improve the bad stuff. I'd add to the 'good news first, bad news next' bullet point that ...

    Tags (comma separated): assessment, feedback, teaching, criticism, writing

    Dec 3, 2013 at 10:43pm