Results for "learning"


  • Sandbox


    This is a group to help people who are new to this site to learn to use the tools. If you are a site member, you can experiment with the tools, make modifications, post things and generally play with the system so that you can get the hang of using it.

    Tags (comma separated): sandbox, play, test, experiment, new users, help, learning

    Oct 2, 2012 at 8:43pm

  • supervising students

    supervising students

    For those interested in the supervision of graduate and undergraduate students

    Tags (comma separated): student, graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, supervision, supervisor, teaching, research, project, learning

    Nov 27, 2013 at 10:45pm

  • Postgraduate research support

    Postgraduate research support

    For postgraduate students and teachers 

    Tags (comma separated): student, graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, research, project, learning, PhD, thesis, dissertation

    Nov 27, 2013 at 1:06pm

  • Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices

    Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices

    This podcast considers reasons for  and uses of assessment, and the importance of giving feedback for learning. It was created by Gina for the Oxford cntre for staff and Learning develoment online course on masters teaching , and assessing . 

    Tags (comma separated): learning, teaching, pedagogy, theory, research, lecturer, professor, constructivism, behaviourism, cognitivism, connectivism, constructionism, learning design

    Nov 27, 2013 at 9:30pm

  • Control and Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose

    Book by Jon Dron. Abstract Every learner is on a trajectory, an individual path that involves choices about what to do next in order to learn, choices that are bounded by intrinsic and extrinsic constraints. In some cases the learner controls those choices, sometimes they are made by someone ...

    Tags (comma separated): learning, e-learning, social media, control, education, distance learning, theory, transactional distance, transactional control

    Oct 2, 2012 at 8:40pm

  • Successfully managing the learning journey

    Presentation by Gina Wisker on managing the doctoral or other research-oriented graduate/post-graduate learning journey

    Tags (comma separated): phd, thesis, dissertation, ma, msc, doctorate, doctoral, supervisor, student, learner, learning, process

    Oct 4, 2012 at 2:33pm

  • Surviving a PhD – 10 Top Tips

    A bunch of motivational tips by Alex Hope, with some useful advice for those struggling with the doctoral learning journey. Tip 10 (ignore tips 1-9) is particularly valuable: the take-home message is that every doctorate (or other large activity in which one learns to research) is different and e...

    Tags (comma separated): phd, research, journey, learning, thesis, dissertation

    Oct 5, 2012 at 2:04pm

  • The Good Supervisor : Gina Wisker : Palgrave Macmillan

    Provides help for those wanting to develop strategies for effective supervision with a diversity of students on a wide variety of research projects, whether at postgraduate or undergraduate level. Fully updated second edition includes new content on cultural supervision, online distance...

    Tags (comma separated): supervision, supervisor, research, learning, teaching, graduate, undergraduate, postgraduate

    Oct 5, 2012 at 2:08pm

  • Designing social media for learning

    Dron & Anderson, 2014 The published version of this article is available for open access at Abstract: This paper presents two conceptual models that we have developed for understanding ways that social media can support learning. One model rel...

    Tags (comma separated): social media, learning, design, teaching

    Jan 21, 2015 at 2:14pm