Results for "literature review"


  • A Publishing Primer for Education Grad Students have been involved in the review and production of over 500 articl...sks! Finally,  a quality review process, will show you how to imp...ical data it is a systematic literature review of an important is...ead and reviewed ALL relevant literature.  No general overvie...

    Nov 22, 2013 at 9:29am



  • conceptual threshold crossings , and supervising the litreview

    This focuses on research which explored moments when  postgraduate studetns make learning lap, cross oneoptul thrsholds in their  research learning and begin to work (more) at a conceptual, critical and creative level. There is theory, data from the reearch, incudig quotations from post...

    Tags (comma separated): conceptual threshold crossing, supervisor, postgraduate, research, literature review

    Feb 19, 2015 at 3:31am