Results for "research"


  • supervising students

    supervising students

    For those interested in the supervision of graduate and undergraduate students

    Tags (comma separated): student, graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, supervision, supervisor, teaching, research, project, learning

    Nov 27, 2013 at 10:45pm

  • Postgraduate research support

    Postgraduate research support

    For postgraduate students and teachers 

    Tags (comma separated): student, graduate, postgraduate, undergraduate, research, project, learning, PhD, thesis, dissertation

    Nov 27, 2013 at 1:06pm

  • Writing support and development

    Writing support and development

    Help and support for those needing to write something. This group is mainly concerned with things like essays, dissertations, theses, reports, journal articles and books that are intended for an academic audience.

    Tags (comma separated): writing, essay, thesis, dissertation, research, citation, format, presentation, book, paper, article

    Nov 27, 2013 at 11:27pm

  • Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices

    Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices

    This podcast considers reasons for  and uses of assessment, and the importance of giving feedback for learning. It was created by Gina for the Oxford cntre for staff and Learning develoment online course on masters teaching , and assessing . 

    Tags (comma separated): learning, teaching, pedagogy, theory, research, lecturer, professor, constructivism, behaviourism, cognitivism, connectivism, constructionism, learning design

    Nov 27, 2013 at 9:30pm

  • Surviving a PhD – 10 Top Tips

    A bunch of motivational tips by Alex Hope, with some useful advice for those struggling with the doctoral learning journey. Tip 10 (ignore tips 1-9) is particularly valuable: the take-home message is that every doctorate (or other large activity in which one learns to research) is different and e...

    Tags (comma separated): phd, research, journey, learning, thesis, dissertation

    Oct 5, 2012 at 2:04pm

  • The Good Supervisor : Gina Wisker : Palgrave Macmillan

    Provides help for those wanting to develop strategies for effective supervision with a diversity of students on a wide variety of research projects, whether at postgraduate or undergraduate level. Fully updated second edition includes new content on cultural supervision, online distance...

    Tags (comma separated): supervision, supervisor, research, learning, teaching, graduate, undergraduate, postgraduate

    Oct 5, 2012 at 2:08pm

  • How not to write a PhD thesis

    Great article from the Times Higher Ed giving hints and tips on how not to write a PhD. Good stuff.

    Tags (comma separated): phd, research, dissertation, thesis

    Apr 11, 2013 at 6:35am

  • The Daily PhD

    A useful site that aggregates a lot of news and information about PhDs, the PhD process and related issues.

    Tags (comma separated): phd, support, postgraduate, research, graduate

    Jun 20, 2013 at 6:52pm

  • MOOCs are so unambitious: introducing the MOOPhD

    My article proposing (only very slightly tongue-in-cheek) a massive open online PhD. It goes into some detail about ways this could be done, and the issues that might prevent it from happening. I wrote the article as an exercise to see whether the idea actually makes sense, partly to explore some...

    Tags (comma separated): phd, moophd, research, mooc, course, graduate, postgraduate

    Jun 20, 2013 at 7:03pm

  • Getting research questions wrong - then right

    A nice simple explanation of how to come up with (and not come up with) research questions for a thesis. Distilled from Trowler's book (available cheaply at )

    Tags (comma separated): research, question, thesis, graduate, PhD

    Oct 4, 2013 at 6:24pm