- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Good supervisor 2nd edn in the group supervising students Mar 4, 2019 at 7:39am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file proposal writing in the group supervising students Mar 4, 2019 at 7:37am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Culturally inflected /cross cultural supervision in the group supervising students Oct 4, 2018 at 1:16pmThis ppt was part of a presentation to the SRHE and prior to that to the research supervision conference in Stellenbosch S Africa
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file comparing abstracts and conclusions in the disciplines in the group Writing support and development Jun 26, 2018 at 8:03amtaken from ch 8 of Getting published this is exampls of good abstracts and good conclusions in the three discipline groups : science social scienece and humantiies (literature,culture)
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Different forms of writing in different sections of an article in the group Writing support and development Jun 25, 2018 at 10:31amThis is from Getting Published' Gina Wisker,Palgrave macmillan 2015 and looks at different kinds of writing in different sections of an articlae, or chapters of a thesis.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file toil and trouble in the group Writing support and development Nov 28, 2017 at 6:10amchapter on personal and professional experiences of academic writing
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Developing the concepts and theories:concepotual frameworks and theoretical perspectives in the... in the group Postgraduate research support Mar 2, 2017 at 2:28pmPowerpoint for uni Johannesburg postgraduate school
supervising students
For those interested in the supervision of graduate and undergraduate studentsPostgraduate research support
For postgraduate students and teachersQuality and engagement
Quality practices, student engagement in quality and learning and teachingLearning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices
Learning and teachingWriting support and development
Writing support
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Good supervisor 2nd edn in the group supervising students Mar 4, 2019 at 7:39am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file proposal writing in the group supervising students Mar 4, 2019 at 7:37am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Culturally inflected /cross cultural supervision in the group supervising students Oct 4, 2018 at 1:16pmThis ppt was part of a presentation to the SRHE and prior to that to the research supervision conference in Stellenbosch S Africa
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file conceptual threshold crossings , and supervising the litreview in the group supervising students Feb 19, 2015 at 3:31amThis focuses on research which explored moments when postgraduate studetns make learning lap, cross oneoptul thrsholds in their research learning and begin to work (more) at a conceptual, critical and creative level. There is theory,...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file good practice supervising postgraduates -marie curie Sweden in the group supervising students Feb 22, 2014 at 10:36amgood practcie supervision of potgraduates ppts (with addtions from Marie curie reseacrh group ,Sweden) these working session ppts look at ground rues, developing rsearch questions,supervsing different learnersin different ays, roles, and...
- Jon Dron bookmarked Tips for giving constructive criticism on academic writing | Academicalism in the group supervising students Dec 3, 2013 at 10:43pmA straightforward and brief bit of common sense for those having to give feedback on someone else's writing. The key emphasis is on always looking for the good stuff, and always offering constructive ways to improve the bad stuff. I'd add to the...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file supervising at a distance in the group supervising students Nov 22, 2012 at 7:35amsThis ppt was generated while working with pstgraduate supervisors in S Africa,university of Stellenbosch- particularly to be helpful I hope for the UNISA colleagues who work with distance learning- and anyone else working with students at a...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Enhancing postgraduates wellbeing -ppts for supervisors in the group supervising students Nov 22, 2012 at 5:35amThese are powerpoints for a workshop for supervisors to support postgraduate student welbeing- arising from our research project (HEA ESCalate)
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Senior academics professional development programme April 2016 in the group Quality and engagement Apr 3, 2016 at 12:15pmSenior academic leadership and management- a programme developed for and delivered in Ghana 2016 includes ideas and materials on leadership and management, curriculum development,schoarship of teaching and learning, teaching excellence,...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file data analysis for quality assurance in the group Quality and engagement Jan 8, 2014 at 11:15amThis ppt is the result of work from three of us includng MAggy McNaughton at Glamorgan uni , and looks at data collection analysis and use in quality assurance and quality enhancement.First used in Saudi Arabia.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Quality Assurance Admin planning and Management final in the group Quality and engagement Dec 31, 2012 at 8:24am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file example of a staff survey in the group Quality and engagement Dec 20, 2012 at 2:09pm
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file saudi Quality assurance planning management.ppt in the group Quality and engagement Dec 16, 2012 at 2:53am
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file quality cycle info sharing.pptx in the group Quality and engagement Dec 16, 2012 at 2:49am
- This group looks at issues and practices of quality and at student and staff engagement in quality and in learning and teaching.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file comparing abstracts and conclusions in the disciplines in the group Writing support and development Jun 26, 2018 at 8:03amtaken from ch 8 of Getting published this is exampls of good abstracts and good conclusions in the three discipline groups : science social scienece and humantiies (literature,culture)
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Different forms of writing in different sections of an article in the group Writing support and development Jun 25, 2018 at 10:31amThis is from Getting Published' Gina Wisker,Palgrave macmillan 2015 and looks at different kinds of writing in different sections of an articlae, or chapters of a thesis.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file toil and trouble in the group Writing support and development Nov 28, 2017 at 6:10amchapter on personal and professional experiences of academic writing
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file managing the writing energy in the group Writing support and development Aug 6, 2016 at 7:50ammanaging the writing energy is a blogpost I had published on te doctroalwriting.sig website in 2014 it is about writing block and breakthroughs and is research based.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Writing a thesis SATN in the group Writing support and development Aug 6, 2016 at 7:46amone of my ppts on writing a thesis
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file writing for Academic publication SATN in the group Writing support and development Aug 6, 2016 at 7:44amThe main ppt we used in the SATN writing for academic publication workshop
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Developing a writing career in the group Writing support and development Nov 23, 2015 at 5:41amPPt for the 2015 HELTASA conference South Africa looks at developing a writing career
- Gina Wisker commented on the file Overcoming writing blocks in the group Writing support and development May 8, 2014 at 10:40amhere's podcasts on blocks and conference papers http://student.brighton.ac.uk/videos/newvideos.php?ID=1172 http://student.brighton.ac.uk/videos/newvideos.php?ID=1173
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file publishing from the PhD in the group Writing support and development Feb 22, 2014 at 10:44amDeveloped for and used with doctoral students, early career researchers and anyone thinking of publishing form their PhD, initially with the Contemporary Womens writing association AHRC fnded research skills development programme-. Best...
- Gina Wisker commented on the file writing for academic publication HELTASA in the group Writing support and development Nov 27, 2013 at 11:58amthanks Gerda hope you have been able to download? if not pl email me g.wisker@brighton.ac.uk
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Developing the concepts and theories:concepotual frameworks and theoretical perspectives in the... in the group Postgraduate research support Mar 2, 2017 at 2:28pmPowerpoint for uni Johannesburg postgraduate school
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file UJ day 2 literature reviews, actioning your research proposal,building postgraduate communities in the group Postgraduate research support Feb 16, 2016 at 3:14amdeveloped for uni Johannesburgon UJ day 2 literature reviews, actioning your research proposal,building postgraduate communities
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Refining your research proposal Uni Johanneseburg day 1 in the group Postgraduate research support Feb 16, 2016 at 3:13amPPt developed for UNi Johannesburg on refining the research proposal and beginning to action it
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Developing conceptual frameworks in the group Postgraduate research support Feb 16, 2016 at 3:07amThis supports your thoughts and plans for developing a conceptual framework which involves the main conceots and theories in your research
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Managing your supervisor in the group Postgraduate research support Feb 16, 2016 at 3:05amfocuses on ways in which as a postgraduate, you can help set up good working relationships with your supervisors, managing expectations, dealing with issues.
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Developing undergraduate students as researchers in the group Postgraduate research support Nov 23, 2015 at 5:52amundergraduate student research support
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file What are examiners looking for? in the group Postgraduate research support Jun 27, 2015 at 3:15pmThis is a conference paper from Gina Wisker and Margaret Kiley, delvered at stellenboach university at the postgraduate supervision conference. It is based on new research with examiners which draws from established research by...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Writing a thesis in the group Postgraduate research support Jun 27, 2015 at 3:09pmsome thoughts about what examiners ae looking for, structuring a thesis, and writing differently in different sections of it, time managment and finishing.First used with postgraduates at UWE
- Jon Dron bookmarked Selecting a (Dissertation) Chair and Committee in the group Postgraduate research support Jan 9, 2014 at 6:59pmThis is a useful article via Tomorrow's Professor for postgraduate students choosing their supervisory team, with a carefully thought-through set of criteria that includes expertise, accessibility, timeliness of feedback, previous success,...
- Jon Dron bookmarked Getting research questions wrong - then right in the group Postgraduate research support Oct 4, 2013 at 6:24pmA nice simple explanation of how to come up with (and not come up with) research questions for a thesis. Distilled from Trowler's book (available cheaply at http://www.amazon.co.uk/Doctoral-Research-Higher-Education-ebook/dp/B007W57J5K )
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file 'Risk and Agency: Nurturing and valuing scholarship and research inĀ learning, teaching and... in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Nov 23, 2015 at 5:55amSEDA keynote Cardiff 2015 ''Riskand Agency: Nurturing and valuing scholarship and research in learning,teaching and educational development'
- Jon Dron uploaded the file Designing social media for learning in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Jan 21, 2015 at 2:11pmDron & Anderson, 2014 The published version of this article is available for open access at http://www.mdpi.com/2076-0760/3/3/378 Abstract: This paper presents two conceptual models that we have developed for understanding ways that...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Learning outcomes - large presentation, in Arabic translation in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 8, 2012 at 7:15amThis is the presentation of the full learning outcomes course, with Arabic translation
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Learning outcomes application- in Arabic in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 8, 2012 at 7:11amThis short presentation takes you through learning outcomes in application- and is translated into arabic
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Learning outcomes- planning modules and learning......assessment in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 6, 2012 at 7:01pmThis file is the powerpoints accompanying the workshops delivered for colleagues in Saudi Arabia for the British council and NCAAA- we hope you find the ideas and practices in here useful in curriculum planning, particularly when planning...
- Gina Wisker uploaded the file Putting learning outcomes into practice-short in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 6, 2012 at 6:55pmThs file looks at putting learning outcomes into practice
- Jon Dron bookmarked Donald Clark Plan B in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 6, 2012 at 3:39pmDonald Clark's wonderful and often incendiary blog about learning and learning technologies. Check out the links down the side of the page to learning theorists for some great, concise and critical views of around 50 different learning theorists,...
- Jon Dron joined the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 6, 2012 at 3:34pm
- Jon Dron bookmarked Bloom's Taxonomy Wheel for Writing Learning Outcomes in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 6, 2012 at 3:33pmA very neat set of infographics providing assistance for those writing learning outcomes. Each of the wheels shown here contains lists of terms to use and some provide help with identifying grading criteria. While Benamin Bloom's taxonomy is a...
- Jon Dron bookmarked Control and Constraint in E-Learning: Choosing When to Choose in the group Learning and teaching, ideas, theories, research, practices Oct 2, 2012 at 8:40pmBook by Jon Dron. Abstract Every learner is on a trajectory, an individual path that involves choices about what to do next in order to learn, choices that are bounded by intrinsic and extrinsic constraints. In some cases the learner controls...
undergraduate, literature, theory, thesis, learning, dissertation, writing, e-learning, paper, project, graduate, Publication, research, support, conference papers, publishing, essay, PhD, learning outcomes, oasis, distance learning, journal, quality, postgraduate, supervision, planning, supervisor, student, teaching, pedagogy
Good supervisor 2nd edn
Posted to group: supervising studentsproposal writing
Posted to group: supervising studentstoil and trouble
Posted to group: Writing support and development