conceptual threshold crossings , and supervising the litreview


This focuses on research which explored moments when  postgraduate studetns make learning lap, cross oneoptul thrsholds in their  research learning and begin to work (more) at a conceptual, critical and creative level. There is theory, data from the reearch, incudig quotations from postgraduates and suorvisors and a special focus on  the literature review which is a key stage of entering a dialogue with other research, and finding your own voice as a researcher. The ppt should be useful for students and supervisors, and  there are chapters in The Good supervisor (2012)and the Postgraduate research handbook( 2007), (Gina wisker, Palgrave Macmillan) which expand on this.(This particular version was used with colleagues at the university of Waikato,  NZ in 2014)


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supervising students

supervising students

For those interested in the supervision of graduate and undergraduate students